Why to Invest?

Sanvi Sandalwood Sanctuary is 360+ acres of managed tissue culture sandalwood farmland with a resort and more than 60 luxury amenities. The farmland is only 4.5 km from Denkanikottai, 25 km from NH 44 Hosur, and 17 km from Taal Airport in Hosur, which is one of the hottest industrial investment zones. The managed farmland layout is a 45-minute drive from Electronic City, and much more manufacturing, IT, and automobile industries are nearby, as are tourist places like Hogenakkal Water Falls (57 km), Bettamangalore Forest, BeterayaSwamyTemple, Panchapalli Dam, Bettamugilalam Elephant Forest, Aiyur Reserve Forest, and Cauvery Norty Wild Life Sanctuary.
A sandalwood tree is expected to yield in 10 to 12 years, during which time it can grow as tall as 3 meters. The average yield per tree is about 20 to 25 kg, including heartwood. With a 20% discount for tree causality, the total production of the 50 trees would be around 1000 kg of quality yield. The estimated price range for the sandalwood yield would be around Rs. 18,000/- to Rs. 22,000/- per kilogram, and the estimated returns on a 1/4-acre farm are about 1.8 crores to 2.2 crores rupees, depending on the market price.

It is a mistaken belief that sandalwood grown in natural forest conditions alone produce scented heartwood and sandalwood grown in northern region does not. Sandalwood can be grown in a variety of soil with pH ranging from 7 to 8.5, with area temperature ranging from 5 to 50 C. It is not region specific and can adapt to different environmental conditions. The plantation-grown trees with irrigation and fertilization perform exceedingly well compared to natural forest conditions. In natural conditions sandalwood trees takes more than 7 years to produce scented heartwood and its growth is restricted due to climatic factors, soil, vegetation, fire, grazing and human interventions. Under these stress conditions, fully developed tree requires about 30 to 35 years for harvesting. Whereas the plantation grown trees produce heartwood formations in about 3 to 4 years and develop good heartwood ranging in diameter from 15 cm to 25 cm in about 10 to12 years. Harvesting at this age is much more economical and commercially viable.
The sandalwood oil obtained at this age may range from 3.5 to 4 percent with good percentage of total santalol content. These results are based on the existing plantations of Indian Sandalwood in Australia. Timely Irrigation, fertilization, soil working, pruning or training and inducing stress, providing good host plants are the important criteria for the healthy growth of sandalwood. The sandalwood tree is a partial root parasite, requiring another host tree by its side, through which it draws nutrient for its good growth.
The Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Forest Departments amended the Sandalwood Act in 2001 and 2002 respectively and made the grower himself a owner of the sandalwood as per the Amended Act. Further, Govt. of Karnataka already made amendments on the sale of Sandalwood through Forest Dept. & Govt. Departments to eliminate the clandestine trade and to encourage farmers to take cultivation of Sandalwood on commercial scale during the recent years.
The Scope for cultivation of Sandalwood is very much encouraging.
- There is a wide gap between demand & supply.
- Govt. of India encouraging by extending the subsidy through National Medicinal Plant Board and National Horticultural Mission for the growers of Sandalwood along with other houstarial plants.
- This would definitely generate Green cover; reduce Eco impact, conservation of nature, Santalum album specie from the verge of extinction.
- This would also facilitate the poverty alleviation, rural employment and economic empowerment of the growers

The Indian average production of wood during 1965 to 1975 was about 4500 tonnes, and most of it was used for oil production. The natural forest resource of sandalwood has been over exploited, there by the elite population source have disappeared from the forest. Due to change in the forest policy, “that the dead and the dried sandalwood trees to be removed from the forest”, chances of natural regeneration occurring in the forest is increased and however, it is not enough to meet the growing demand.
The annual harvest drastically on the decline from 2004-2005 to only 1000 tonnes and then during 2010 it has reached the bottom level of merely 500 tonnes.
Proponents of this move argue that the KDSL is incapable of handling the increased supply of sandalwood that the state expects to produce within a decade. The current global demand for sandalwood hovers around 6,000 to 7,000 metric tonnes per year.
Future of Sandalwood in the World
There is a good demand for Indian Sandalwood because of its unique fragrance quality, its use in medicines, cosmetics, beauty aids & paradigmatic shift of the consumers towards the natural products.

Uses of Sandalwood Oil
- Attar industry
- Pharmaceutical
- Perfumery
- Soaps and toiletries
Sandalwood oil was used traditionally to treat skin disease, Aroma therapy, acne, stress, anxiety, bronchitis, dysentery, gonorrhea & number of other ailments.
Sandalwood Oil is a natural fixative for all the top class perfumes. As regards the perfume, Cosmetics & Soap Industries, East Indian Sandalwood Oil is one of the most important natural fixative ingredients because of its sweet, powerful & long lasting aroma.